17 : 30 | Ahmedabad
Arthshila Ahmedabad’s Film Showcase this week features a short film in collaboration with the Public Service Broadcasting Trust (PSBT).
09 August 2024 (Fri) | 5.30 pm.
10 & 11 August 2024 (Sat-Sun) | 11.30 am.
Running Time: 52 mins.
Producer & Commissioning Editor: Rajiv Mehrotra.
Action…Drama…Cut…: This experimental Film follows a bunch of children from rural Bangalore, as they learn filmmaking and make a short film – written, directed, enacted and produced themselves. As they go through this process, we explore their world and experiences.
Public Service Broadcasting Trust (PSBT) commissions and mentors films driven by personal passion and social relevance, enlarging the scope and potential of documentary practice. Since 2000, its films have been screened in nearly 2000 international festivals, and won more than 340 awards.
Venue: Arthshila Ahmedabad
2-G, opposite Ahmedabad Management Association, Panjrapol, Ambawadi – 380015.