Architecture | Dialogue

Drawing (out) a Place or a Practice? Conversations on Documentation

Saturday 5 October 2024 -
Saturday 5 October 2024

18 : 00 | Ahmedabad

About The Event

In the context of the ongoing exhibition, ‘Gandhi’s Dwelling’, Arthshila Ahmedabad is pleased to invite you to a dialogue between Shubhra Raje and Riyaz Tayyibji, ‘Drawing (out) a Place or a Practice? Conversations on Documentation’.

Date: 05 October 2024 | Saturday.
Time: 6.00 pm onwards.

‘Gandhi’s Dwelling’ is an exhibition emerging from the book ‘Gandhi’s Places’ edited by Neelkanth Chhaya, Tridip Suhrud and Riyaz Tayyibji, published by the Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust and a result of the Gandhi Heritage Sites Mission architectural documentation project initiated by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. 

Riyaz Tayyibji is a partner at anthill design, Ahmedabad, an architectural design practice which is also actively involved in architectural documentation and research. He has been an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, CEPT University. He has curated exhibitions on the architecture and urbanity of Ahmedabad and has led a team at the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) towards the preparation of a Heritage Conservation Plan for the World Heritage City, Ahmedabad, following its UNESCO inscription.

Shubhra Raje’s practice involves designing buildings and teaching architecture. With graduate and postgraduate degrees in architecture and a minor in theory and criticism from Cornell and CEPT Universities, she founded shubhra raje_built environments, an architecture and design studio that concerns itself with relevant design, architectural economy and spatial ecology. She lectures where invited and serves on the boards of various community arts organisations in the United States and India. She co-founded the Anant Raje Foundation and the Olive Ridley Collective, each a cross-disciplinary initiative in the fields of art, architecture and the built environment.

Venue: Arthshila Ahmedabad
2-G, opposite Ahmedabad Management Association, Panjrapol, Ambawadi – 380015.

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