Architecture & Design | Exhibition


Sunday 2 July 2023 -
Sunday 2 July 2023

17 : 30 | Ahmedabad

About The Event

First Open Dialogue for the Exhibition with:

Gauri Bharat (Program Chair, Architectural History, CEPT University)
Nia Thandapani (Designer and Design Historian)
Riddhi Shah (Architect, Researcher, Academician)

Ishita Shah (Moderator)

Date: 02 July 2023, Sunday
Time: 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm

Not long ago, it was not a legitimate practice in India to pursue architectural and design history as a field of specialization. Today, we see a variety of practices emerging from the study of critical histories and theoretical discourses about the design and impact of built environments. Some of these practices look inwards and speak to the fraternity, while the following discussion will focus on, but not limited to, questions around public relevance, creative interpretation, and spaces of care generated by pursuing an interest in different forms of spatial histories.

We will have with us Gauri Bharat, Nia Thandapani and Riddhi Shah who will share their experiences in this area, as educators, designers and authors of a wide range of initiatives.

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