Architecture,Design | Talk

Furniture in the Making – A Pane Discussion with Sweety Taur, Mann Singh, Maneesh Kumar & Arthur Duff

Sunday 28 January 2024 -
Sunday 28 January 2024

18 : 00 | Ahmedabad

About The Event

Following the success of the exhibition on Amolakh’s work, which focused on Materials and Processes, the show will conclude with an informal discussion around ideas that have been raised by casual visitors and design professionals. Furniture is an intimate past of our lives at home and in the workplace. Amolakh believes that the increasing demand for furniture should not compromise its fundamental qualities of practicality, comfort, and sustainability.

Sweety Taur is a computer engineer turned industrial designer with key expertise in home and hospitality furniture & lifestyle products. In her dual role as a practitioner and a faculty member in the Department of Furniture and Interior Design at NID Ahmedabad, she explores the intersections of social histories, community co-production, speculative design, crafts, earth building, and ethical-plural-body conscious design through urgent pedagogies, action & research.

Mann Singh is a Designer based in Ahmedabad. He studied Furniture Design at NID. Apart from his practice, Mann also teaches Design.

Maneesh Kumar has been trained as a craftsman from a young age. His formal studies took him to the Rizvi College of Architecture in Mumbai, where he sought inspiration from the raw forms of materials as a source of aesthetics. He has been a visiting professor of Architecture and Furniture Design at various schools in and around Ahmedabad, including Navrachna University (SEDA), Kalol Institute of Architecture and Design (KIAD), Indus University, and Nirma University.

Arthur Duff has over 35 years of experience in the practice of architecture, interior design, and design & manufacturing of furniture. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture, CEPT University. He established the Masters Programme in Furniture Design at CEPT and was also Head of Library Services at the Lilavati Lalbhai Library in CEPT University, where he was responsible for the development of the Knowledge Hub on campus.

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